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Give hair a healthy dose of moisture and protection, this mask penetrates the core of the hair strand to give your hair softness, silky, shine and repaired. A deep conditioning treatment enriched with eggs, vegetable proteins, wheat germ and other highly reparative ingredients. After 7 minutes your strands will be nourished from roots to ends with long-lasting shine, softness, and manageability. This mask can resolve weak damage and extra dry hair.

DIRECTIONS: Apply a small amount to your clean hair. Leave on for 5-7 minutes, rinse with water, dry and style as usual with your hair cream.

INGREDIENTS: Purified Water, Eggs, Honey, Banana, Jojoba, Wheat Germ Cream, Sweet Almond Oil, Vitamin E, Coconut Cream, Peppermint Oil, Tea Tree Oil

Rescue Therapy Mask - Egg Protein Treatment

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