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Your skin is feeling neglected as it needs a bit more special attention. After giving it a ton of hydration, and skin loving emollients will seal the deal. This facial oil is just the extra effort your skin needs. It has an exotic, rich scent, and an elegant, velvety feel when applied.


This is all you need for a radiance glow and with a unique blend of antioxidant-rich, superfood seed oils (Pomegranate, Rosehip, Passion Fruit, Cucumber Seed, Carrot Seed, Sea Buckthorn, Tamanu, Black Seed, Pumpkin Seed, Macademia Nut oils providing essential fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins), leaving skin feeling nourished and loved.


How to use: Use 1/2 to 1 dropper full, on wet skin to help restore skin’s natural moisture barrier. The oil sinks in, leaving skin protected, and ultra-soft for a glowing result. Use before heavy lotions or creams. Use morning/night.


Ingredients: Pomegranate Seed Oil, Rosehip Oil, Passion Fruit Oil, Cucumber Seed Oil, Carrot Seed Oil, Frankincense Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil, Rose Oil, Sandalwood Oil, Passion Fruit Oil, Pomegranate Oil, Chamomile Oil, Lavender Oil, Sea Buckthorn Oil, Tamanu Oil, Black Seed Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Macademia Nut Oil


Scent: Lightly herbal and citrus.

Texture: Medium-weight oil

Color: Deep orange

Pomegranate Face Oil

Hors TVA
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