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Super food for your hair. Is your hair damaged and nothing else seems to work? You are in for a great surprise with this deep conditioning, natural hair and scalp treatment. Your hair can look healthier, feel softer and be more manageable than ever with this nutritious hair mask.


Our nourishing Banana Hair Mask can lead to hair follicles that are stronger and, as a result, grow longer. Bananas are naturally rich in potassium.


The key to maintaining hair growth is potassium and a lack of it could lead to several hair loss. It can also add moisture (cutting down on dryness) and also rid your scalp of those microscopic offenders causing your dandruff symptoms.


Ingredients: Water, Raw Freeze Dried Banana, Amla, Ashwagandha, Fenugreek, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Sodium Lactate, AloeVera, Marshmallow Root, Slippery Elm, Shea Butter, Fragrance Oil, Coconut Oil, Argan Oil, Almond Oil, Honey, Nature silk, Cetac


Directions: After Shampoo hair, Apply mask all over the scalp & the body of the hair. Massage the mask in gently. Wrap head with a plastic cap then a towel to avoid drips. Let set for 30 minutes under the dryer. Rinse with cool water. Apply once or twice a week.



The amount you use and how often you use this mask depends on the thickness of the hair and amount of damage.

Banana Deep Conditioner Mask

Excluding Sales Tax

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