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Black Rice Oil is made with 100% pure organic forbidden black rice, and Rice bran oil. Natural Conditioning moisturizer for hair and scalp, Full of Vitamin A and Vitamin C replenishes dry and damaged hair, Promotes and Stimulates Healthy Hair growth. Prevents dandruff and Dry Scalp. Repair and Heals Brittle hair and Split Ends, Help prevent hair loss and strengthen hair follicles.


How to use


Shake well and apply directly onto roots or hair. Massage the oil through the scalp and leave on. For Prepoo leave on for at least 30 minutes. (The longer, the better) Perfect for dreads, braids, naturals, twist and locks.



Organic Black Rice, Olive Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Bhringraj Oil, Jojoba Oil, Tocophorol Oil, Amla Oil, Sunflower Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Rosemary Oil, Brazilian Babassu Oil, Brazilian Pracaxi Oil, Brazilian Pataua Oil, Meadowfoam Oil,  Avocado Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Safflower Oil, Apricot Oil, Moringa Oil, Clove Oil, Horsetail Extract


Black Rice Oil

Excluding Sales Tax

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