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My Sugar Lip Scrub gently exfoliates and cleans away dead skin cells while helping to replenishing lips’ moisture. This scrub leaves lips feeling smooth, soft, and ready for makeup. It’s the perfect self-care treat!


"The sugar crystals smooth the lip’s skin, the coconut oil and candy flavored oils in the lip scrub will continue to benefit your lips for some time after. You can apply lip balm after exfoliating.


Exfoliating lip scrubs are vegan, natural and cruelty free. They are lick-able


Use as part of your skin routine 1 to 3 times weekly to help keep your lips soft and chapped- free.




Massage a pea-sized amount onto clean lips in a circular motion.

Wipe away with a damp cloth, rinse off or lick off remaining scrub.

Pair with a Hydrating Lip balm for added moisture and hydration.

Use it 1-2 times a day.

Store sealed in a cool, dry place.

Exfoliating Sugar Lips Scrub

Hors TVA
  • All sale are final. No return or exchange

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