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Macadamia Oil is good for the Skin. The high fat content and great antioxidant character of macadamia nut oil had made it useful in the cosmetics industry as an additive in many skin care products. The regenerative effects of the oil promote softer and younger looking skin. The monounsaturated oils are able to replace the original oils in damaged skin.


Manuka Honey Studies show that manuka honey has a higher pH and sugar content than other varieties of honey, which may contribute to its antibacterial activity. These benefits make manuka honey especially useful for addressing minor skin irritations and concerns, like acne.


Vitamin C can naturally improve skin's appearance and help fight signs of aging.



Gentle, yet hard working, let the ingredients do the work for you, leaving your skin feeling hydrated and silky smooth.


Ingredients: Water, Macadamia Oil, Manuka Honey, Absorbic Acid, Sodium Palmate, Palm Oil, Sodium Palm Kernelate, Palm Kernel Acid, Glycerin, Sodium Chloride, Titanium Dioxide, Benzyl Alcohol, Geraniol, Grapefruit Oil, Orange Oil, Iron Oxide Yellow.


Directions: Lather up with warm water all while enjoying the bar then rinse off. Keep your soap in a well-drained dish between uses for a longer life. Recommended using this bar daily on body.

Macadamia Soap

Excluding Tax
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