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Hand-crafted hair love products made with a unique blend of organic, plant-based, herbal ingredients.

Peacock Organic es un producto terroso hecho a mano para el cuidado del cabello hecho con una mezcla Ćŗnica de ingredientes herbales orgĆ”nicos a base de plantas. Mantenemos nuestra alta calidad siendo siempre hechos a mano por encargo y entregados frescos a nuestros clientes.

Compra con nosotros

Featured Products

Beauty products that really work

Our formulations have proven efficacy, contain organic ingredients only and are 100% cruelty free

Beauty products that really work

Introducing our new beauty product bundle, specially curated to give you a complete skincare and makeup routine that will leave you feeling fresh, radiant, and confident!


Offering you all the products you need for a complete skincare and makeup routine at a fraction of the cost of buying each item individually. Try our bundle today and see the difference for yourself!

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